Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sick Day Rainy Day

mom has a sinus infection.  brooke is finally getting over her cough and head cold. henry just came down with his fever yesterday and will be starting us on round 3 of this virus.  oh and it's absolutely pouring outside.  so even after a little tylenol...and two children bouncing off the walls.... we are housebound for fear of getting swept away in a flood.  we seemed to make the best of it yesterday and today! 

brooke is learning how to dress herself (after she finds her selection upstairs on her own).

what to do with an old roll of plotter paper.

brooke's favorite seat in the house lately.

'b' is for brown...'p' is for pink.  we couldn't come up with a color for 'z'.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday

Bello tradition lives on in our house...mardi gras....beads....king cake....feast!
guess who got the baby!  hopefully Dad will have some good luck for the next year....oh and it's his turn to bring the cake next ;)


Friday, March 4, 2011

Brooke's First Day at Montessori

Brooke went to her first day of Montessori school today.  It was really a class with mommy to but one getting her ready for the fall for when mommy drops her off for the day with Henry.  She did pretty good and her favorite work of course were all of the pouring activities.  Good luck to Ms. Heather next year!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Big Girl Bed

She's in her 'big bed' yipee!!  A week of success so far :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Old Fashion Balloon Trick

Ok yes we've all seen this trick.  But I showed it to these two yesterday...oh my.  The reaction was priceless.  They were occupied with these stupid balloons for over an hour. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Corey's Interview ~ Hopkins Special

Most of the patients at Hopkins Children's don't plan to come to the hospital. They wake up thinking it will be a day like any other, but somehow they end up in the emergency room. For the Wheatley family of Monkton, a typical fall morning ride to school ended with a horrible collision with a truck that brought young Sarah to Hopkins Children's and changed her family forever.